For better or worse, digital devices have changed the way we receive and process information. This digital age has increased the stress we place on our eyes.
The Vision Council of America estimates that 6 out of every 10 of adults experience digital eye strain due to prolonged use of electronic devices such as smart phones, tablets, computers and TV screens.
Digital eye strain can be reduced using custom lenses that neutralise high energy blue light making it more like natural light thereby minimising visual stress and eye fatigue.
Text on digital device. |
High energy Blue Light emitted from digital screens. |
Time spent staring at the screen. |
Work station distance and set up. |
Existing vision issues. |
Dry eye. |
Consider computer glasses with high energy Blue Light blocking lenses to be like safety glasses. In a factory you would wear safety glasses to protect your eyes, but you wouldn’t wear them when you went out socially with friends.